Bringing the Heat Ep. 2, Public Release

Hello, fellow netrunners.

Bringing the Heat episode 2 is now live to the public! Video embeds are available at the bottom of this post.

Episode 2 includes fully scripted on-the-floor reporting (BtH: Entertainment Beat) and a fully improvised interview (BtH: Joyboy Anjel Jemini), as well as the usual feature stories and news.

About The Show

“Bringing the Heat” is a series of in-universe, radio-style broadcasts dueling between the professional journalism of Nu Lios News (NLN) hosted by Sliavinnefiang (“Vinny”) vs. the more sensational style of ICE News (Instantly Communicated Exposures) hosted by Zhonny Inferno. “Bringing the Heat” is Zhonny’s show.

As the lore and universe of the SZ visual novel is dense and complex, we thought it’d be a fun idea to expand on the worldbuilding in different formats. To that end, “Bringing the Heat” will expound upon events that occur within the novel, hint at upcoming story events and characters, and explore details for which the novel simply doesn’t have the time or space. That said, this podcast is entirely supplementary, and will not include any details integral to understanding the primary SZ narrative.

Which is not to say “Bringing the Heat” has no story, as each of these news networks and their hosts have certain goals, agendas, …and loyalties.

We thank you for participating in this little experiment of ours. “Bringing the Heat” is a living project, and so its presentation may change as we receive interest and feedback. We look forward to hearing what you think.


Full credits are available in the details of each video on their respective youtube pages.

Episode 2:

Episode 1:

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