Ch. 3B Public Release!

Chapter 3B is now public!

Hello, fellow netrunners.

In the finale of Chapter 3(B): Contrafact, Ravy discovers that the bones of old stories never stay buried, and that consequence is a monster he can never escape.

We Need Your Support (Really)

If you’re enjoying any of the String Zero media (visual novel, podcast, and soundtrack), please consider subscribing to our patreon so we can continue to fund development.

As mentioned on our social media, sudden housing instability has limited my ability to entirely self-fund the project for the foreseeable future. It was always my intention to taper my contributions over time until the project was fully self-sufficient, so there are budget safeguards in place to allow the game to continue for awhile without my full investment.

But not forever. So we need your support. If you enjoy and appreciate what we’re trying to accomplish and the stories we’re trying to tell, please support us however you can. Otherwise, long delays are inevitable.

Thank you, friends and fans.


Our Anniversary Event is complete! Thanks to ey0ne for hacking CSC funds to provide us four YCH art raffles. We’ll share all of those in a post on our social media once they’re complete. For now, please enjoy this promo piece of Tarrolf by Shockjaws (18+ X / BS; full resolution and adult alt available on Patreon).

Also a new logo banner from our in-house artist Kensuke (18+ X / BS).

We appreciate everyone who entered and are glad we were able to put this event together to give back to our fans a little bit.

Looking Forward

A quick note on timelines: Presently, we have one artist doing sketch/design/linework (Ken), one artist doing backgrounds (Allie), and one artist doing sprite color design, background paintovers, and CGs/Illustrations (Lision). To help with accelerating future timelines, we’re discussing adding a fourth artist to assist Lision and also leaning on guest illustrators to take off some of the CG pressure. This means our CGs won’t have a unified style (which we were trying to move towards), but we prefer style inconsistency over further delays.

Our current timeline is to have the next Bringing the Heat out in January, and Chapter 4 out in February.

Chapter 3B Changelog

Chapter 3B Content Update:

  • Added Chapter 3B script, assets, and LOOM entries (second half of chapter 3)
  • Approx 10k words of new content
  • 1 new CG
  • 2 new animations (1 in 3A, 1 in 3B)
  • 1 new song and 2 new song extension (for “Dire Static” and “Listen”)
  • 2 new sets of character sprites

Other Content Updates:

  • Various small continuity tweaks across all 3 chapters.
  • Various small bug fixes and typo fixes.
  • “Past Prologue” has been remastered with new instruments.

General Updates:

  • A reminder that LOOM notifications are customizable in the Preferences menu. (There is an option to turn them off completely for those of you who find them distracting.)
  • The game now supports definition/pronunciation hyperlinks. These will appear as blue text in the text box that can be clicked for a pop-up to provide pronunciation guidance and a short definition. Sometimes these will include small bits of information that don’t yet warrant a full LOOM article.
    • This was a Patreon request. Thank you patrons!
  • There is now a Hide UI button in the quicktools icon bar.
    • This was a Patreon request. Thank you patrons!
  • Podcasts can now be accessed from the Extras menu. For now these will just link to the youtube channel. We will investigate if the videos can be embedded.
  • We now have integrated Spanish language support. This will typically always be one build behind, so presently the translation is only up through Chapter 3A. Thank you to Dray / TheSeventhWonder for working with us so closely on this.
    • Edit: We’re aware there’s some missing translated text. We’ll remedy that in a hotfix over the next couple of days. Also, since we’re applying a hotfix, we’ll apply the translation for 3B earlier than expected as well!
    • Note: Some items are challenging to translate and will not be included for now. Notably, animations and illustrations with text.
    • We are looking for Russian and Chinese translation teams to work with closely. Due to the complexity of this game, we are not looking to outsource translations. However, we have no issue with fan translations.
  • Updated credits and patreon supporter slides.

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Nov 21, 2024 384 MB
Nov 21, 2024
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Nov 21, 2024

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Its been awhile.  That is quite the new Startup and Main Menu.  Quite the intro!

Insert here information I posted elsewhere from first build...

Nothing quite like that music! :3  An interesting blend he is.  Sadly that is what we lack these days civility.  For a weapon be but only a tool of the wielder.  Ok I think I like this guys personality now at least! :3  Don't boast unless you can back it up after all!  Ooohhh they KNOW each other! X3  *sigh* singers and their contracts.

Respect and Responsibility have a way of going together.  Oph! XD  Love is both about being protective and about letting go, too much of either will stunt growth...  Honesty! <3  Emotions, a matter of when and where and how far.  The best sort of relationships know where the boundaries lay.

They both are certainly handsome!  Oh dads...  Oh boy barely following along here!  Them loyalties, which category do you value most, which represents the largest threat?  Who is the real enemy and how close are they?  Hard to say what abut this guy is genuine and what is an act...  Woah! WOAH! O.o  Guess no time to make sense of it all yet... I'm no grand master at chess.

Oph! and Again!  I hate subterfuge, but is must when trust is like a currency... D:  Who says those of differing status can't have similar issues?  True nothing is absolute, but complexity can be a nightmare or madness, suddenly what is even real?  The more layers the harder it is to function reasonably.  Hmm... they friends like that.    Sometimes we all need a good talking to so that we aren't lost in our own worlds.  Indeed one cannot go about doing anything they please, but doing nothing at all about things stands to be just as bad, both are guaranteed to bite you, just a difference of when!

Overprotection means underprepared...  Its exactly my story in this sense...  Differences are to be expected, but being able to embrace them is the harder part, for first we must understand the differences and why they exist.  Learn from our differences to be able to accept them.  A lie is not always a lie, a truth is not always a truth, there will always be exceptions, to even expectations.  It better when things have simple and clear answers, but here will always be a natural complexity to things.  The issue is when we start trying to bury everything with complexity that is no longer functions, causing things to implode.  As I always say its not who you are that matters, its what you do, for what you do defines who you are.  Control always is an illusion, to be shattered as quickly as trust, for you will not know everything that happens all the time.

CCCoooooolll!!!  Darn I wanna see image of his avatar proper! X3  Yipe! Waiting like a good boy???  Home is where you stand to be the most comfortable and secure.  Nothing is as scary as when fantasy and reality blur.  Just how deep does this all go???  Oh that got him good! XD  Playing a balance act is hard when everyone is telling you contradictions.

Oh I see...  This is a showman, doing his things, with elegance and grace, class.  Where have our times gone eh?  Now that was uncalled for!, yet... XD  There is always a hitch.. or is there?  I hate these kind of mind games...  ugg... now word for deep cover operative? ^^;  Oh... Crap!  Jeez just when the abyss can't reach new depths...  !!! No you do not just jump off at 10k alt!

Fells like its all over, but I see a few possible ways you can still, ahem, spin it.  The question simply is which?