Android and Build 1.5
Hello, fellow netrunners.
Build 1.5, including android, is now ready! We are thankful for your patience. The android build came with many technical issues we needed to resolve, so we decided it best to push it back in order to coincide with the completion of the 1.5 features so everything could be tested together.
Note: On android, you can hide the UI (swipe down) and pull up the main menu (swipe up). Repeating these actions will reverse the effects. If this is insufficient, please let us know.
Please inform us if you happen to run into any bugs or issues.
Release Notes:
- Implemented alternate music engine for layered music as an alternative for FMOD for platforms which don’t support FMOD
- Added LOOM system with entries populated for Chapter 1
- Populated extras menu with CG and music galleries, credits page, supporters page, and LOOM access
- Removed text delay during camera hit effects
- Fixed a few issues with the Click-To-Continue icon
- Fixed various typos
- Updated menu fonts
- Added application icons
- Added Android support
About the LOOM!
This is the major feature for build 1.5, and is a codex-style database that updates dynamically as the game is played. The database entries for chapter 1 total close to 3k words of extra content. In the future, LOOM updates will be packaged with new chapter releases.
We also strongly encourage everyone pay special attention to the very first entry, which the LOOM will default to upon being opened for the first time. It is temporary and will be missed if you navigate to a different article or close the LOOM UI. The reasons for this will be apparent!
LOOM Functionality
An indicator will appear whenever a new entry is unlocked, and dismiss whenever the LOOM is opened. Otherwise, the indicator will stick around and flash when a new entry is available.
The LOOM can always be accessed from the UI quickbar or from the Extras menu. Note that the LOOM will not show up in the Extras menu until it’s unlocked at least one entry. (So if you have a save at the end of Chapter 1 already, you’ll need to skip back until you get the final entry of the chapter, or play through the chapter again.) Unlocking later entries will also unlock all previous entries.
The music gallery music is persistent while in the main menu, so yes, you can choose a song and vibe while reading from the LOOM, once it is unlocked.
We hope you enjoy these features!
Get String Zero
String Zero
Cyberpunk Sci-Fi Epic
Status | In development |
Author | String Zero Project |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Bara, Cyberpunk, Furry, Gay, LGBT, Narrative, Romance, Sci-fi, Story Rich |
Languages | English |
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Even among reality I do believe we are drifting further apart as population and diversity rise, as well as technology, it makes it easier both to be connected form a distance, instead of in person, as it does to cut any form of communication and means to understand. A purist of unity turned discord, when responsibility and proper handling is no longer being taught. Free will is important, but it is no more than a chaotic mess of conflicting information when core values of proven frameworks are discarded. And beneath the weight of it all things break and we are swept in the deluge. I cannot exempt myself even as I sit here to relay this. My life has largely been alone and isolated, yet it also my window to the world, and what I tend to see is various joys isolated, least from me, and my perception, by those who would get in the way just to amuse themselves, a sense of fear to ever venture from what I know and trust. Practice and preach mean nothing if we cannot make our words and actions line up, and these days more often than not we betray ourselves... we cannot demand and just expect things to change, we need to make the change, slowly, surely, and gradually. Dynamic sudden shifts are what creates mass turmoil in the first place...
Ambition alone is what kills access to the bigger picture, which would involve the other three. The other three can be more easily shared, but by ambition the approaches may differ and clash...
The gnawing and numbing feeling of ice and snow blanketing and burying everything, with true indiscrimination, covering up all triumphs and failures... there is no death quite like of cryogenic for it always leaves something behind...
A database to keep track of world building for the reader, the longer your VN the more valuable this is indeed!!!
The entry there at this time of this line of mine... Use the foundations of old that stands the test of time to stay true, then incorporate that which is new as your base... You can only ever invent something once, but you get to innovate it numerous times... in the end though it should still have a clear, and not jumpy path to its origin. Something without a proper foundation is never going to gain proper traction, as in turn others will also dig in to resist... to clash is halt progress for both sides... since to break the foundation to let the chaos lose. There must be a balance between the solid and the liquid... that what make living beings possible, we have a frame, but are flexible, but are not amorphic, we can only adapt so quickly, too much change and something is going to go wrong... but also without internal maintenance either, even of each other, small cracks with start to form from the inside too...
Issues issues... don't keep it all inside, talk things out, don't just say what is the issue, don't just say your concerns about it even, go further to say why..., and even in disagreement, better to leave minimal room for doubt, for doubt is what makes you falter when your are needed most! Doubt is the negative that gives rise to all others, fear, anger, spite, sadness, in the end they paralyze you, and shut you out or off in their own ways. Furthermore to have multiple at once, might as well be having a stroke, as you now stand to wrestle with oneself to even recognize who you are and question your sanity as an internal conflict rages on with any victory being a loss (impulses) until things can be quieted down.
Learning to let go of things is very important thing to be able to do... grudges only stands to weigh you down... sometimes to learn requires you end up making grudges, but true progress is when you are able to move past them, for BOTH sides!!!
To always be treated as something, also causes one to act more like something. To rise above it is to show both what hey are actually doing to each other. In the end communication to build understanding is key, everything is a two way street, even if one seeks to block one path. BREAK THE CYCLE and you remove the shackles of deadlock!!! I alone am only one individual, and so I alone cannot make an impact, but that also means the reverse is true, I alone cannot stand to learn new wisdom either, there is groups for a reason, but don't abuse those reasons either!!!
In the end forcing things to come to an ultimatum and even more by a Catch 22 is the WORST POSSIBLE. This is why issues need to get address sooner than later, and not shoved to the side and ignored! That requires full attention to what one has to say and full attentiveness to listen!!! Even those who have marked each other for enemies may have something they don't even realize about themselves or others! Does anyone ever truly know everything about themselves? As much as anyone is for that matter? Open mindedness is about considering what you don't know as much as what you do know!
Kitty! :D Derp calling him fat, yet al I see is beefcake! Maybe just butt?
Insert here with new insert of LOOM, in response and in connection to...: What separates "Man" from "Beast"? Logic, Reason, Deduction, are but a few possible answers. Also though what separates "Beasts" from "Plants"? Based on what we are able to observe, awareness and conscious ability for thought. Lower organisms, to the best of our ability to discern, operate by pure instinct and base function, unable to comprehend or embrace feelings, let alone their own. This right is KEY part to my argument of how our humanity in reality is slowly slipping. A lack of "humanity" or the ability to care and show concern, let alone be allowed to show concern even in the first place. To ignore or hush voices of others, for as much as our struggles can be because of others, so too can we be the very reason of our own struggles, we may not realize it until too late. Acts of violence and aggression are what could be called small slips, widespread violence or war is when you have a critical system failure. In either case enough small ones turn into big ones, and once wounds are inflicted them may never quite heal proper and thus fester (and cause a cycle), so the better course of action is to prevent escalation AND to mend the breaks. Otherwise all your left with is burned bridges or even scorched earth, then NO ONE is happy or smiling..., and if someone is after that, then you know where the true culprit lies, for those who never see issue with their actions or ever feel conflicted, are ones who have little ability to change, that lack of ability to change means they are far more relying on instinct than logic. This train of thought though could still be seen as two ways unfortunately... and it turns into a game of chicken/hot potato...
My autism is my double edged sword in many ways, in many respects I always stand to have one of two respective qualities needed for any given situation, but always lack the other. Here in tune with time this is the very mental focus I ascribe to my sona having, my sona being the embodiment of both my ideals and multifacetedness, peaked to a point sharp enough to pierce any obstacle no matter its form..., though even still even in greatness there is always a means of fault... for with great knowledge and wisdom there always remains a means to be vulnerable on the inside, it need not be physically... and to lose focus of that sharp point when in use is to invite disaster in a range of falloff equally opposite of the feat tryignto be accomplished... In simpler terms, what happens when matter collider misses its mark?, but then drive that upwards to multiples of 10 to the x colliders faulting, the process is incomplete and everything is left unstable, a sudden warping chain reaction we couldn't even start to imagine could happen, nukes being only the tip of the iceberg. When one loses focus of that which is important, that is when their reality and sanity start to suffer, and as those suffer so the does the ability to be "Human", the process is not irreversible, but the further gone the harder and longer recovery is...
(Where as the MC here has an ability to ghost through time to interlace with the present, my sona has the ability of matter manipulation (as highest for of power through combination of basic powers) (some expectations apply, namely cannot manipulate something living, as in cannot interfere directly), both can be seen as god like talents, but both not being gods can suffer harsh consequences should they misstep too gravely!!!) (my sona alone would have the ability to repair all the damage done to this world, but as great or demi god as may be, is but one alone and would take many years to heal an entire world, as compared to many months of something like (localized) nuclear fallout)
Ah now here is a lesson I both know and yet cannot mange to employ... at any given moment my thoughts waver from looking to the concrete that is the past, actions committed, to the future, the chaos of possible actions, and the present as a means to act by drawing on them... for all my clarity I may have at times, I never have clarity in the moment. My discipline lies where there is no emotion, but my humanity lies in my ability to give emotion... to find truth is not to listen to anything that has nothing to deal with the matter at hand, to vet out lies is to listen to how much that does not meet that initial query rings true... it is not easy, but it yet again is framework of a solid foundation, that is allowed to to change part of itself that is built off of it.
If something isn't broken, there is no need to fix it. If something is broken, fixing it is but one option, repurposing it as you mention is another. This here is inline with my idea of combining old and new, yet again as you mentioned. A key to progress is to use both mind/logic with heart/feelings/emotion. The logic of emotion and the emotion of logic, to be able to respect each in respect to each other is perhaps the key to bringing inner peace.
Making assumptions is normal, but by logic is to assume you may be wrong, that is then where observation comes into play. The more times you observe the same patterns taking place, the more inclined you are to believe it to be fact. Logic though also would say that you need to then involve emotion into the equation, why are these patterns happening? Where is the cycle stemming from? Where can the cycle be broken? And then from there you can put emotion into logic. Anything that can be done can be undone, anything that can be done can be redone. Vigilance is key. If anything though this could tell you I my real self do not have martial training, but I do have the academic training.
Even in the aftermath of something that once was there can be a beauty, brought forth from a sense of wonder. If life as it once was, was hell, then this CG here is hell frozen over. Paradise (Equality with not just each other, but also the environment), Purity (Lettings things remain as they are), and Collectivism (What can you do to hep each other) stand in direct respective opposition to Chaos (Imbalances and upsets that give to much power to too few), Corruption (The changing, sometimes by FORCE, of the way things are), and Individualism (What can you do to help yourself). Even as these values oppose each other, none of them are inherently good or evil, which means only those who wield them and those who may feel they are being wielded against, each get to decide themselves if it be for good or evil. In all cases though, too much of any given value value in either direction can stifle the growth and development of the group or the induvial. When such values remain too critical for too long... you get the very world setting for the VN you established.
Rebel against nature and fundamental forces and it will rebel against you, fact. Rebel against foundation and traditions and they will rebel against you, sometimes fact. Here though is where the "humanity" comes into place because of both emotion and logic we can influence just how gentle or rough the rebellion is, in both directions. The harder one side pushes the equally harder or softer the other will push back. Small nudges, little variance, takes longer, but minimizes risks. Large shoves, high variance chance to completely obliterate instead of coexist, changes can be immediate, but control can stand to change hands frequently. This is what makes the difference between what we say we want and what we show we want.
Humble and pompous/stuck up, the difference between someone you can admire and someone you can resent...
We all have our beliefs, but being able to back them up is important! Given that many of mine deal with immaterial, only those who have had similar experiences can understand. Having something to backup claims made is important to swaying those who are unsure, undecided or even only just starting to be in opposition. Still though make it the truth and not something made up lies or manipulations, else you start to form a bit of cult or gang mentality...
Our pasts, sharing them, discussing them, is key to helping us understand who we are now to each other. Think of the present always as the cover of the book, if you judges someone based on one moment, you are going to blind to everything behind.
Respect! Responsibility! Kindness! The cornerstones. Break those and you break Trust and Worth. As one falters so to shall the others, everything collapsing form on high.
Sometimes you have to know what your getting into, sometimes you have to make a leap of faith, sometimes, you need one to do the other. Hope we can land on all fours!!! Crazy kitty! (but I've had my sona thrown clear through a mountain from such maneuvers...), freedom and danger can go hand in hand, but being in control of oneself minimizes danger risks, and with practice too mind.
I have no skill..., but I do seek to be kind, wish to think things out, and wish to take my time with things. Trying to rush of force things only ends up in disaster.
If only law enforcement ever had weapons, then it would much clearer about drawing liens of connection with it use and abuse, as then only one group alone would shoulder the burden of scrutiny. Give it to masses not ready for the responsibility, and you invite chaos from those who think they know better or think they have no choice. Remember a weapons only allegiance is tot he one who wields it.
Technology is meant to aid Humanity, not replace humanity, and after all when technology stops working right, who can ever fix it? Humanity. Take humanity too much out he equation and major faults can be exposed or happen. A flipside is to build technology that works with the environment instead of against it. It is not impossible to build technology that works with nature, to not only keep balance, but also to improve it. Yes this is largely what could eb call bio tech or cross tech. Hydro electric dams are probably the best example, I think, even compared to solar or wind. They use the water to give humanity power, but they also allow for the water to continue flowing as if the dam wasn't there, and even better is when made to have exterior steps so that fish life that resides in the river can move freely past it in both directions. Work with nature and nature will not work against you, everything has an gradual impact.
Ah yes the issue with having both private and public task forces... there is always an issue when comes to protect and serve everyone, and protect and serve one given individual or group... the difference between many given values, whether intentional or not. If the private force is kept small enough but skilled enough, then there is little risk in both varieties of interfering with other, and even when minimizes conflict and smooths corrections. Smaller population means both tighter control AND better discipline.
Cold war, its war not being waged in the wide open, but it festers still, breeding ill in all of us when we are closed of and disconnected from each other and the reality any given induvial faces. War and hatred come from a lack of understand or consideration, when brought to a fever point by masses. Impulse control and discipline... so lacking...
To have been able to say so much from what little you have thus far is always something I find remarkable, because it shows to me, to be able to give this back, how much effort you have put into it. Still words are one thing, actions are another, I wish my trust and generosity were not exhausted...
I am and honored and gratified you were able to engage so much with the work. Thank you for reading, and I hope you find future chapters as thought-provoking.
nice ^.^b